Welcome to American English Vocabulary: Dolch Sight Words – Lesson 5. Improve your English vocabulary, reading, and comprehension skills by studying the Dolch Sight Words, an important vocabulary list which includes some of the most popular, often-used words in the English language. The Dolch Sight Words are organized by reading level, and include Pre-Kindergarten, Kindergarten, 1st Grade, 2nd Grade, and 3rd Grade. International English Learners are encouraged to pronounce each word numerous times, as well as use a translator and an English dictionary in order to increase fluency.
Part 1 – DIRECTIONS: Please read aloud the following words and sentences in English, then translate them and read them into your primary language using the translator on this page.
- a, and, away, big, blue, can, come, down, find, for, funny, go, help, here, I, in, is, it, jump, little, look, make, me, my, not, one, play, red, run, said, see, the, three, to, two, up, we, where, yellow, you
- Give me a dollar.
- Maria and Ana are friends.
- We went away on vacation.
- The big airplane landed.
- The sky is clear and blue.
- If you want help, I can help you.
- Do you want to come to the park with me?
- Let’s go down the stairs.
- You need to find a new hobby.
- What is this key for?
- I laugh when I hear funny jokes.
- We need to go to school every day.
- I am here to help you learn.
- Come here so I can see you better.
- I am a good person.
- Put the money in your wallet.
- This is a fun game.
- Give it to me later.
- Let’s jump in the water.
- My little dog doesn’t bark.
- Let’s go look at the ocean.
- If you upset me, you make me angry.
- Give me your telephone number.
- This is my favorite song.
- I am not hungry right now.
- This is one good movie.
- I love to play board games.
- Red roses are very romantic.
- Let’s run at the park.
- She said a funny joke.
- Let’s go see the movie.
- The boy and the girl are in love.
- The three friends are: Michael, Maria, and John.
- Let’s go shopping to buy food.
- Those two people are a couple in love.
- The plane flies up in the sky.
- We are learning English vocabulary.
- Where do you live?
- The sun is yellow.
- You need to study hard.
Part 2 – DIRECTIONS: Please watch and practice aloud with the vocabulary video below two or three times:
Thanks, I learned so many things